Vibe Youth CIC encourages people to move forward, we create safe spaces to explore past experiences that cannot now be altered and deal with difficult emotions that arise rather than coping or holding on to these feelings. Such work also considers that when a person perceives a situation to be threatening it results in a reduction in the reasoning of functioning of normal cognitive processes, leading to inappropriate, anti-social and destructive behavioural patterns that can inhibit one’s progress in life.
Why choose Vibe Youth
Transformative Impact
Tailored Support
Proven Results
Inclusive Community
We offer a wide range of bespoke, person-centred services and projects, where people up to the can be referred to us for specialist support, this could be group work, or 1-2-1 support.
We aim to make other interventions more effective and responsive by creating a foundation of emotional strength upon which other services can be used to build a complete and robust package of support. Without tackling the underlying emotional root causes of WHY young people do the things they do in the first place it is very difficult to bring about lasting change and therefore it is necessary to alter the thinking patterns of young people before addressing the practical issues otherwise their underlying emotions will always cause conflict both in themselves and with others. CHANGE MUST START FROM WITHIN.
By applying these approaches, we have created a strong evidence base making available a high standard of early interventions. Our work aligns with the social services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, curriculam for Wales framework and Wellbeing of Future Generations wales act 2015.
- A Healthier Wales: By focusing on mental health, emotional resilience, and overall well-being, Vibe Youth contribute directly to the goal of creating a healthier Wales. The reduction in mental health crises, better coping mechanisms, and proactive engagement all serve to create a healthier youth population.
- A Resilient Wales: Vibe Youth CIC’s focus on emotional resilience ensures that young people are better equipped to handle future challenges, including those related to socio-economic or environmental pressures. A resilient youth population will lead to a more adaptable and resilient society.
- A Prosperous Wales: Through skills development, coaching, and employment readiness programs, Vibe Youth ensures that young people are equipped to contribute to the economy in meaningful ways. By increasing employability, they help build a more prosperous future for the next generation.
- A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language: Vibe Youth promote inclusion of diverse cultural backgrounds and languages in its programming, aligning with the Act’s focus on cultural vibrancy. This includes fostering respect for the Welsh language and encouraging young people to engage with their local heritage.
- A Wales of Cohesive Communities: Vibe Youth foster strong relationships between young people and their communities by encouraging positive social behaviour and participation. These activities contribute to the creation of inclusive, engaged, and cohesive communities.
- A More Equal Wales: Vibe Youth’s services are designed to be accessible to young people from diverse socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. By offering tailored support to marginalised communities, Vibe Youth contribute to reducing inequalities and offering equal opportunities for development and success.